Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, March 2, 2007


Not much is new right now on the adoption front. I just didn't want our blog to look outdated :) Dave and I are dogsitting this week for a cutey-pie beagle. We have so much fun dog sitting, we usually stay at the person's house with their dog to keep the dog's routine going. We have one regular family that we sit for, and a new one that we have just picked up. It is funny to think of all of the things that will change after we have children. I don't think we'll be dogsitting like this anymore!!

Our life is so quiet and laidback right now. I'm excited for the day when I long for an hour to sit and watch tv or read a book. I know that sounds absolutely crazy and most of you parents may be rolling your eyes at this comment. However, I know that my life is meant for more than this. I'm meant to be a mother, and like my dad tells me - God didn't put that longing in my heart without the promise that he would fill that hole.

Right now we are still at a point where we are still super excited about the adoption process. Everything we are doing is so new, and we are rushing to get our documents finished for our dossier. However, I know that once we have the paperwork done and start playing the waiting game I will have a harder time with the process. I'm very much a "doer", it's hard for me to just sit and wait. God's going to teach me a lot about patience throughout this journey, even though I may not always enjoy the lesson :)

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