We keep thinking of our favorite memories of Marley. We want to get them down so that we remember all of them. He filled up memories to last us a lifetime, he was such a funny dog!! There were the little memories, like how much I loved the way he smelled when he slept, or how his right ear sometimes stuck straight up in the air (especially when he was a puppy). He would hide his bones whenever we gave him one, and we'd often find them in our bed when we'd go to sleep in it. We always got a good laugh out of his various hiding places for his treats. We loved saying, “Lily?” “Porter?” “Lily?” “Porter?” “Lily?” “Porter?” (his two favorite dogs), and he would tilt his head a different way each time we said their names. And who could ever forget how repentant Marley always was when he had done something naughty? We would walk in the door, or in the room, and find him lying on his back in the submissive position with his eyes pleading, “I am so sorry that I was so naughty!!” All we had to do was spank him and scold him in our naughty-Marley voices, and he would feel like he could be normal again.
One day we went out for lunch with my parents and decided to leave Marley and Lily (my parent’s dog) in the house while we went out. My mom had a brown bag of yarn in the living room that she was keeping her crocheting yarn in. We got home and Marley had gotten in the bag and unraveled each of the balls of yarn. In the midst of getting all of the yarn out, Marley somehow got his head through the handle of the brown paper bag. He ripped a perfect half-circle off of the bag, and it was left hanging around his neck. We got home and he came running up to us with his tail down and this thing around his neck. We laughed so hard when we figured out what it was, and my mom wrote “I’ve been naughty” on the sign. Marley wore this around, and we got a picture of him looking very repentant with this around his neck. Soon after that picture was snapped, Marley got away from us while we were outside and ran down the rode with this sign around his neck. We laughed so hard thinking of my parent’s neighbors finding Marley with this sign on him.

Another Marley/yarn story is from our house. One of my favorite pictures of him is from when he was a puppy, and he was playing upstairs by himself while we watched television in our living room (never a good idea when you have a puppy). We had a ball of yarn that he loved to play with (we think he was part cat), and he decided to push it down the stairs to watch it unroll and bounce down the stairs. Once it was completely unraveled, he decided to roll in it and growl at it and attack it. By the time he was finished, he looked up at us and he had the yarn wrapped around his head and tilted his head, looking at us with his irresistible puppy eyes. We snapped a picture, and I am so glad that we did!!

When Marley was a puppy, we tried leaving him to roam free in our house while we were gone at work or wherever. Every day there was some new trouble that Marley had found that he could get into. After about six months we finally bought him a large wire kennel that he stayed in whenever we weren’t around, and he loved his kennel – it was his safe place. Some of the stories from before we had that cage are hilarious though.
One day I got home from work to take a quick lunch and let Marley out to pee. I walked in the door and found that an entire large bag of toilet paper that we had just bought at Target the night before had been torn to shreds – toilet paper, plastic and all. The upstairs of our house looked like a tornado had ripped through it leaving toilet paper in its wake! I scolded Marley like you wouldn’t believe, but left the mess for Dave to see when he got home. We were amazed that one small dog could make such a mess, but we got a good laugh out of it.
I discovered one day that Marley created his messes within the first five minutes that we left the house. We had my grandma with us for a weekend, and I wanted to show her where I worked. I discovered a coupld of minutes down the road that I had forgotten something on my way there and turned the car around to pick it up. When I got back into the house, I found that Marley had tipped the garbage can over and ripped up everything that was inside of it. I couldn’t believe his quick work.
Marley also figured out how to open refrigerator doors that had towels on the handles (I still don’t know how he figured this one out, he was so darn smart!!). One day we got home from a trip to the grocery store to find a box of pizza sitting in our dining room. Marley had gotten it out of the fridge, and ate all of the topping off of the pizza. He was thirsty for a long time after that one. He also ate half of a Tupperware container of enchiladas one day. At my parent’s house he also did this (along with Lily) and ate a package of hotdogs, and a package of cheese. It was almost hard to get mad at him after these episodes because we were so amazed at how innovative he was with his naughtiness.
It’s hard to look around our house and not think of the many memories that we have of Marley. I keep expecting him to come running over to us when we walk in the door. Today I have a bad cold and have been resting on the couch, I miss Marley curling up beside me when I’m sick – he could always tell when Dave or I didn’t feel well and would curl up beside us. It always made us feel a little better. One day I was laying on the couch crying about something and Marley crawled up my belly up to my face with a concerned look in his eyes and licked my face. Sometimes I think Marley was not only part cat, but also part human. He was the best therapy we could have had through our infertility struggles, and we will miss everything about him.
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