After the movie, we headed over to meet an old high school friend of mine for supper. That way our husbands would both know someone else at the reunion, and we wouldn't have to show up at the reunion alone. It was nice sitting and chatting with them, and catching up on life since high school. We headed over to the park where the reunion was being held, and I felt super awkward. I suddenly felt like I didn't recognize anyone, and couldn't conjure up names when I would see someone I should have known. Then 2 people asked me, "And who are you?" And I felt much better :) I guess I've changed a lot more than I thought since high school. I'll let y'all compare: Here is my 7th grade picture and my 11th grade picture (and you can scroll down to see my current day pictures).

At the reunion I talked with a few people, and there were probably about 40-50 of our classmates there. I was most looking forward to the people I hadn't seen since high school, and there were a few of those people there. It was fun catching up with people, and every single person we told about the adoption was excited for us and had lots of questions. That was lots of fun :)
After the reunion there was a street dance downtown, so we headed down there and saw even more people from different graduating years from both my high school AND Dave's high school. We laid low and sat to the side with Jonny, and various people would walk by and sit to chat with us. It was fun to people watch and try to remember the names of people with Jonny. I ended up talking for a long time with a guy I hadn't seen since high school, but had known since 1st grade. It was so nice to sit and talk with him, and he was so encouraging about the adoption and how much fun parenting is. It was a good night, and although there were more people I would have loved to see at the reunion, I enjoyed catching up with those who were there.
Today we drove home mid-morning and napped almost all day. We were so tired out from the weekend. Tonight my parents drove up and we went to a bbq for a friend of my sister, Elyssia. We walked in and saw some other good friends from our old church with their new baby whom we hadn't met yet. It was a fun evening filled with good food, more catching up with people, and lots of laughter.
I should head off to study now. As the days get closer and closer to the end of this class, I find less and less motivation to actually DO the homework. I'll just keep repeating to myself - "Cs get degrees. Cs get degrees..."
Rachel, you look exactly the same to me outside of the lovely comb on your head. WHAT IN THE WORLD.
Sounds like you had a great time at the reunion. That Grade 11 picture is just crazy. What in the world were you thinking? Sorry for being so harsh but that picture is definetely not one of your better ones! Your were cute on the Grade 7 picture though.
Your smile is absolutely no different from 11th grade to now.. it has always been beautiful, it will always be beautiful!
Hey Rachel - it's your cousin Jessica baking away in AZ :) I didn't even know you guys were adopting! I'm so glad I found your blog (thanks Carissa!) to keep myself in the loop :) We're so excited for you, and will certainly be praying for your family.
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