Longest birthday song - Nikki and Aaron Petersen
Cutest: (in a tie with G's b-day song below) Nephew E singing Happy Birthday over the phone, then yelling P-U at the end of the song!
Most hilarious - Gale and Jeanne - Dave's parents (read below)
Most embarassing - Dad (read below)
Sweetest - Grandpa coming up the stairs and saying "Happy Birthday Rachel!" in a sing-song voice. If you know my grandpa, you can hear it in your head and know it sounds sweet :)
More funnies - Dave forgetting it was my birthday until I reminded him that morning; Dave and my dad planning out a birthday surprise (and me hearing every word of the conversation); and Melissa's Facebook Happy Birthday song to me (stating who was singing it)
So I woke up that morning, and Dave was downstairs watching the news. I went about getting ready, thinking it was strange that he wasn't coming upstairs to make a big deal about my birthday (we do entire birthday weekends for each other, we love birthdays that much). He came up about 15 minutes later and sat on the bed while I finished getting ready, talking to me about his day. I finally said, "Are you forgetting something?" And he yelled, "Omigosh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm just spacing out this morning!" Made me laugh (a little).
Then, as I was walking into work I noticed that the receptionist smiled at me a little extra as I walked in and asked, "How is YOUR day going today????" I just smiled and said "Great!" As I rounded the corner into my office, people were coming out of our office area grinning at me. I walked through the doorway and saw this:
We went out for lunch as a team to one of my fave restuarants - Bakers Square (what can I say? I love pie!). Dave "surprised" me by showing up at the restaurant. Here is how it went down - my dad was talking on the phone (we are two offices away from each other), and I heard him say my name. Of course my ears perked up (who's wouldn't?!). So I heard him say, "Rach will be so surprised... That's a great idea... How are we going to get a table big enough without her finding out?... Ooo, good idea... Okay, you call and tell her you can't come to lunch!... See you there..." I was nearly peeing my pants giggling. It took all I had not to laugh when Dave called to tell me he couldn't come to lunch, and I had to pretend to be sad. When Dave walked into the restaurant later, I fessed up and my dad said, "But I was in the corner of my office hunched over, I didn't think you could hear me!!" That made me laugh even harder!
Then for supper we (and a lot of my fam) went and tried a new restaurant in my hometown - Richards. It had AWESOME food, and great wine! A friend of mine from high school helped open it, so he was working that night and was excited to see us, which made it even more fun. The atmosphere was phenomenal, and we all had a great time.
After supper we played cards with my parents and grandparents (another one of my favorite things to do!), and then drove home. On the way home I listened to The Longest Birthday Song Ever (see above) by Aaron and Nik, and listened to this message from my in-laws:
FIL: (sings birthday song) ...Happy Birthday, sweetie! We love you! J, want to say happy birthday?
(long pause)
MIL: Is it still on? (shuffling noises)
FIL (mishearing her question in the background): Well no, I left it on for you. Aren't you going to leave a message?
MIL (confused by his answer): Well yeah, you already hung up!
(incoherent discussion over whether or not the phone got hung up)
MIL: Oh well, apparently... (click, then dial tone)
On Saturday I got a "Rachel Day"!! These are my fave - Dave leaves for a few hours and I just get the house to myself, and I get to relax, read, watch tv, etc. It was so nice. Then in the afternoon/evening we tried to get to a movie, but missed it by a few minutes, so we decided to go to IKEA. Dave was in the mood to start decorating the kids' room (yay!!), or at least get some ideas. We had lots of fun walking through there, taking measurements, and we even bought some bedding for our kiddos that was on crazy discount.
After IKEA, we thought we'd check to see what time the later movies started at the cheap theater. We got there with plenty of time, so we decided to go see Baby Mama. I thought it was HILARIOUS!! We both laughed so hard through the movie, and were surprised at how well written it was. After the movie we went home, and played more card games. Today was church, and then more relaxing. I'm currently procrastinating. I mean, it's my last week of class EVER (no MBA for me, thankyouverymuch), what better thing to do but procrastinate more than ever this week?!?
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and had lots of fun. Your dad sounds like a funny guy. I especially liked his idea of guessing your age. I loved the kids bedding, it's really fun! Hopefully in not too much longer you can put it to use. I'm glad to hear that it's your last week of class EVER. When work gets really crazy I just think about going to school and it makes me so thankful that I'm working instead. Have a great day!
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