Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I'm working from home today, so I usually have the television on in the background and mostly pay attention to the news when the weather comes on (my favorite part!). Today I heard them saying that storms were heading toward Carver County. I looked out the window and noticed that it was a cloudy, but not scary cloudy. Then I stepped out onto the deck and turned around to look northwest. Holy cowsers!! It was super dark, greenish-purple. I took pictures of the difference between the views from my house, but it doesn't do the storm much justice.
The air felt calm, but about 2 minutes later, the wind came up so fast that all of the garbage cans from the neighborhood flew out onto the county road, and I couldn't even see the dealership across the street with the sheets of rain coming down. The wind sounded pretty scary, so I headed downstairs with Gus (who is definitely NOT afraid of storms, he wanted to play fetch). The hail started in, and the lightning was bright and close with loud thunder cracks and rumbles following immediately behind. Dave called and the weather sirens were going off where he was working, so he and his brother headed over to the gas station. As I was talking to him the power went in and out there. I told him there were straight-line winds, and that's why the sirens were going off (that's what the news lady said). I LOVE watching stormy weather come in. I think that if I loved school more, I would love to go back to become a meteorologist. Oh well, maybe they'll need stormchasers out our way and I can do training for that :) Fun fun!


Renee and Brian said...

I love storms as well. My favorite are big snow storms and when we get heavy downpours of rain. I just love running outdoors on days like that. You can jump in the puddles and it makes you feel like a kid again. What is a weather siren? We don't have any of those here in Newfoundland. Have a great day Miss weather girl!

Rachel said...

I haven't tried running in the rain yet, I'll have to do that!

A weather siren sounds when there are tornados in the immediate area of a town. Every town in Minnesota has a weather siren (sometimes they sound them for straight-line winds like yesterday where Dave was). Plus, on the first Wednesday of every month they test these sirens, so no matter where you are in Minnesota you can set your clock on that day :)

Anonymous said...


I LOVE watching the weather on TV...especially when there are severe storm reporting that goes on for hours interrupting the regularly scheduled TV time. I have my son Danny hooked on it too. I have a friend who lives in Buffalo who her and her family go out tornado chasing (she has 2 teenage kids and new daughter from China). Since their little girl came home though she opts out on the adventures. Mark thinks I am a goofball for loving bad weather so much...and I find most people do not take it very seriously. But after the tornado hit St Peter I take that stuff seriously!

Anonymous said...

Me too guys!! My friend told me about your blog and i love it !!!! Keep up the good work guys!!!!!