The day that Dave and I found out we were approved by the Philippines (ICAB) - November 29, we immediately went to Home Depot. Dave was certain that we had to fix the closet in our kids' room RIGHT THEN. As we were browsing the aisles of the store, I was on the phone floating along on cloud nine calling all of the people I could think of to chatter about our good news. So that next weekend here was the result of all of Dave's hard work:

Dave snuggling with the beautiful blanket Auntie Amanda crocheted for our child/ren

The furry nativity scene Grandpa Gale and Grandma Jeanne gave us for Christmas for our child/ren. We also got a book of Bible stories from them.

The super cute miniature Tupperware toys we got from my mom's best friend, Stephanie. I love these! You can also see the cake holder behind it.

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