Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What not to say...

Okay, I want to address some of the remarks we have gotten regarding infertility, adoption, etc... I will preface this by saying that MOST of the people who we surround ourselves with always say the right things, and ALL of them are super supportive of our struggles with infertility and adoption.

I made the mistake a couple months ago of volunteering the information of our adoption to a person I hadn't seen in years. He was a young guy - in his early 20's - who was single, and a pretty nice guy from what I knew of him. He asked what was new in my life, and I said, "We're adopting from the Philippines!!" He looked at me with a look of disdain and said, "Why would you do that?" I was completely speechless for a minute, then I glared at him and shook my head without saying anything. I just had no response. Why would I do what? Provide a loving a warm home for children who I will love dearly?? What a psycho. So that's #1 - don't EVER say that to someone who is adopting. Adoption is a beautiful thing.

Secondly, as a woman who struggled with infertility and is now adopting, that does not mean that I am choosing adoption because I don't want to get pregnant, or I don't think I could get pregnant someday. I had a couple of people say to me, "Hey! You'll get your kids without the awfulness of pregnancy and childbirth". Um... what? I have no response every time I hear this from someone (kind of a pattern with my responses). I would wish for nothing more than to be able to be with my children from the moment they are conceived. I wish no child had to go through the awfulness that most have to go through before they are home with their forever family - the orphanages, abandonment issues, and the list goes on. Adoption is NOT easier than pregnancy/childbirth, so I'm not getting the "easy way out" by adopting.

Third, when a person tells you they are adopting, do NOT EVER say, "Oh, so you can't have your own?" THESE children are my own children, whether I give birth to them or not. And for us, adoption isn't a second choice. We always knew we wanted to adopt, we just didn't know it was going to come first for us. If we do get pregnant someday, that will be great!

I also got a comment about 2 weeks ago that I've gained weight since high school (I am wondering who on this planet didn't gain weight 10 years after high school?). As I was poking around on other infertility/adoption blogs, I saw that many other women struggling with the stress of infertility saw their bodies take a hit. I am no exception. From the time we started trying to have children, I have gained 25 pounds, and am up 4 sizes. I had the mindset that I was going to pregnant any day, so why not let myself eat whatever I wanted and pretend I was eating for 2?

I made a decision in April that I was going to get in shape - no matter WHAT it took. I began running on a regular basis, and *attempting* to watch what I eat. I joined a gym a couple of months ago to lift along with my cardio workout, and am finding working out to be slightly addictive. I feel better, and am generally a happier person when I can workout. My family joined in on this endeavor 11 weeks ago, and we have a Biggest Loser-Carlblom Style competition going on. We all have our goal weights, and an incentive to be the one to lose the most weight each week ($2!!). At the end there is a prize of even more money for whoever loses the highest percentage of weight. I haven't seen a huge change in my body since I started this working out thing, but I'm not giving up! The little changes that I do see are motivation to keep on!! Since I don't get to give birth to my babies (for now), I am going to be one fit momma by the time I get my children.


Anonymous said...


You're beautiful!!! and you need not defend yourself to anyone. Those children will be blessed to have you and Dave as parents and so too will you be blessed to have them as members of your growing family! I hope you will not allow the ignorance of others to dampen your spirits during this exciting time!

Much Love...

Anonymous said...

You are both wonderful people and I understand that it would be hard to hear comments like that from people that you would expect to support you and cheer you on. I am proud of you for making the decision as a couple to adopt. There are kids that need moms and dads just like the two of you and it is a wonderful thing for you to adopt. I think that adoption takes a special kind of couple. I feel like the two of you have faced more challengs and unknowingness (new word) than I ever did when I was pregnant. I am proud to tell my family and friends about your adventures in adoption. It is a great thing. :)
As far as the body.... NO PERSON has any right to say anything about anyone elses weight... who does that? I know that I have jumped SEVERAL sizes since I was married and I think that I look better...more motherly and not so teenybopper...Plus... CURVES ARE A GOOD THING!
Wow, the two of you are a blessed couple and you will soon be blessed with more family memebers.What a joyful time. :) Stay strong and know that we all (us in the virtual world living through this with you) have your back! :) Love you!

Rachel said...

Thanks Aubrey - we keep smiling on through it all! No one can contain the giddiness we feel :)

And thank you, Anon - and who are you?! I love your comments, they were so kind. We love comments like these!!!

Julie Alsaker said...

Rachel - I love that you tell it as it is. Just know that ignorant comments are strewn about whether you are adopting or pregnant. I can't even begin to start with the unsolicited comments I have received these last 9 months. Although the comments can be hurtful and frustrating know that your friends and family are here for you!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Anon is Cassie! :) Hi Guys!:)

Anonymous said...

I just "rediscovered" your blog. Thank you for being so transparent about your journey. Well-meaning people can say some really stupid things sometimes and never even realize how it actually came out.
Having your children in your arms, as well as your heart will be incredible. What an exciting journey you are on! We're very happy for you.

Amy and Nathan Fritz

Aaron & Dana Craven said...

I could not have explained the comments you hear that are hurtful anymore better than you did. I totally understand!! Also I relate to the weight gain too. Not fun but hang in there. You can get back in shape. You have such a big year for 2008!

Katie said...

I know exactly what you mean about well-meaning people saying all kinds of hurtful things about adoption. One of my favorites is when they talk about the "real" mom. (As if I'm the "artificial" mom.) People just don't understand and don't know what to say. At least you have a wonderful support system to stand with you and cheer you on. Adoption is an emotional ride, but you will be so blessed in the end!! Merry Christmas!!

Rachel said...

Hey Cass and Julie! Thanks for commenting :) Amy, it's good to hear from you, your kids are getting so big!

Dana and Katie - thanks for your comments. I admire both of you for being so strong with what you have experienced, or are currently experiencing with your adoptions. I know you have probably experienced some of the same things. The "real" mom thing is crazy - along with "natural mother"! For the most part I let all of this slide off my back, and don't really say anything to people about it. I just figured I'd blog about it to get it off my chest :)

Rachel said...

Oh, I also wanted to say (but forgot), that before we looked into adoption, I was just as guilty of saying things like "real mother", "natural parents", etc... That is why I try not to be hard on people who do the same thing. For a long time, I wouldn't speak up in our adoption training class for fear that I would say something politically incorrect. Lucky for me, Karin at Hand in Hand is a very graceful person who never made me feel stupid, but in a kind way taught us what appropriate terms were for adoption. Maybe I'll blog about that soon. It is definitely interesting!