There was a guy leading us up the falls, and another guy videotaping us the entire way up the falls. These guys are amazing because they can just run up the falls at full speed WITHOUT FALLING DOWN. It’s crazy. There were probably 1000 people on the falls that day, it was so crowded, but our guides did a great job guiding us up. At the end of the climb they told us that we could purchase the DVD of us climbing up the falls for $40. We thought that was pretty steep, but our dinner friends mentioned that they would split the cost with us if we would be able to copy it. We jumped on the chance, and purchased the DVD. The company was recommended by the cruise line, so we thought we would get a good quality product – WRONG!! The actual footage of our group climbing up the falls was a whopping 1 minute 48 seconds. Criminey. We are attempting to get our money back, mon.
That evening was the second elegant evening, so we got all dolled up again and ate dinner. We watched a dancing/singing show that night that was a tribute to the Beatles. We had so much fun singing along to the songs, and then we headed off to bed.
On Friday we had another sailing day, and it was great to just relax in the sunshine all day long!! We meant to go play bingo one last time, but decided our tans were more important and stayed out on the deck all afternoon. We ate lunch in the dining room (I discovered that I liked doing this waaaaaay better than eating at the buffet). There we met a couple from New Jersey, and a guy from Central Washington. He explained to us that he lives in the desert part of Washington state. I didn’t even know that there was a part of Washington or Oregon that wasn’t rainy!! It was fun to chat with all of these people. That evening we ate our last dinner with our tablemates. By that evening I was having a hard time eating my supper. We spent so much time eating this week that I felt like I couldn’t eat anymore. However, I was able to fit in one last Chocolate Melting Cake (my absolute favorite dessert on the cruise).

Lucie (our phenomenal waitress) singing a song, I guess she blinked a lot b/c I don't have an open eye picture of her
Our cozy room The tiny tiny (but very efficient) bathroom
On Saturday we ate breakfast at the buffet, and then waited in our room until our floor was called to get off the ship. We headed down to get off, and had to go through customs. We waited in a loooooong line, and the guy scanned our passports. We got through in record time, and the customs guy even WINKED at me J We got a kick out of that. Once out of customs, we waited for a bus to transfer us to the airport. We waited for another long period of time for that bus to come, then waited in a very long line at the airport to get our tickets. We got on the flight with no problem and were happy to get off the plane in an almost warm Minnesota!!

Looks like you had a great time - and you made me feel better about not spending the $40 for the DVD ;)
Great recap of your vacation, I almost feel like I was there. By the way, Ryan is from the desert part of Oregon:) See you on Sunday.
I loved all the details you gave. How was Dunn River Falls? We are looking into doing that when we go to Ocho Rios is November. Your pictures are beautiful and hope that you are getting over your PVD!
HI!:) I just found your blog through your comment on mine, and I'm SO excited about all this travel info! I'm about as obsessed with travel as I am with adoption :) I'm so looking forward to reading more and to learning more about you and your journey:) Keep in touch, you delurker:)
Todd, I'm so glad you and Lara didn't spend the ridiculous amount of money on the DVD! I hope your trip was phenomenal!!
Renee, I LOVED Dunns River Falls. We had so much fun. I was glad that the rocks weren't super slippery if you stepped on them right, and the guides were great!! I can't wait to hear how your trip goes.
Kat - I am excited to hear where you guys decide to vacation!! And thanks for sharing your blog, I love it!!
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