Now I just have to get the trial downloaded onto my computer to see if I can actually do some digiscrapping and I'll be set!! I'm thinking I'll start it this weekend because Dave's busy season starts up again (he's a landscaper/gardener). He gets to build planting beds for my brother's mother-in-law this weekend, and Dave's brother has come on board this season, so he's excited that he gets to work with his brother quite a bit. I posted a picture below of what Dave's Christmas pots look like that he makes for people. He's so good! I'll try to post pictures of the work Dave's done in the past and the work they will do this summer. I'm sure some of you garden enthusiasts will appreciate it better than his own wifey does :) I'm not much of a gardener. Thankfully I've married Dave!!
I'll share my first attempts with you after I've started it this weekend!
Wow, that is one talented husband you've got!! I absolutely love the Christmas arrangement. I really enjoy gardening as well and would love to have some of your husbands talents. With the digiscrapbooking, do you get a paper copy or is it all on computer? I really enjoy scrapbooking as well but I need something on paper that I can take around with me. Have a great day!!
THAT is BEAUTIFUL! I think that I will have a couple of orders for those next christmas season! He is really talented! You both will have many talents to share with your children. :) Cassie
Renee - I e-mailed you about the digital scrapbooking, so hopefully that helps!! I agree, I would need something to print out and show people.
Thanks ladies about the compliments for Dave. I'm blessed to have such a talented guy! I think our kids will love playing in the garden with him :)
How is the new scrapping going! I'm excited to see people continually finding this great hobby!
I've tutorials and videos that can help you.
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