Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Friday, April 18, 2008

Things I want to teach our kids...

-How to walk in high heels. I'm awful at walking in them, and usually end up buying the platform kinds of heels so I don't make a complete fool of myself by falling down in them. I still usually twist my ankle in those kind...
-How to communicate with us in sign language. I love signing to Dave around other people who don't know sign language with the limited ASL I know. Plus, I had fun signing with my friend Robin across the bar last Christmas :)
-How to do their hair (if we have girls). My sister Carissa will most likely have to teach this to our girls. I have always had stick-straight hair that won't do anything (even perms would come out of my hair after 2 weeks or so), so gave up on trying to style it years ago. I'm hopeless with a curling iron, barrettes, ponytail holders, curlers, product, etc. I'm always envious of my friend Nik and my sister Carissa who can do such cute things with their hair.


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to this post! I grew up with a bunch of girls (I have 2 younger sisters and a bunch of female cousins), yet I can honestly say I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to stuff like styling hair or fashion. Hubby is very happy I'm "low maintenance". LOL. I think that's why I have always kind of hoped for a baby boy but then again, I would love to have a little girl so I can hone in my fashion skills ;). One time my best friend handed me a ponytail holder and some bobby pins and asked me to do something with my goddaughter's hair. I get the ponytail holder, but bobby pins on a 4 yr old? I must've had a dumbfounded look on my face because they all started laughing at me when I looked at what was placed in my hands wondering what on earth I was supposed to do with it. hehe. Thanks for sharing this. It makes me think what I would love to teach our children. :). Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


I had the opposite experience with my hair. It is so frizzy and such an afro that poor Alison could never brush it like she wanted to when she was little. When we would go see Heather she LOVED it...getting to brush and play with that long blonde pretty hair! It was such a treat for her since she always got the brushes stuck in mine when she tried.

As for the signing with your kiddies...I wish I would have done it with my other kids...we do it with Ben and it is SO helpful in communicating with them even before they can talk!!

Renee and Brian said...

I work with kids with physical/cognitive disabilities and we always teach the little ones sign before they can talk. It's amazing how fast they pick it up! It works quite well and the kids are less frustrated because you know what they want!

Lara said...

I was surprised to see that "don't touch the water in the toilet" wasn't on the list (after the Funny Story post yesterday).

Rachel said...

Joanne - I'm so glad I'm not alone in the whole hair-doing area!! It's tricky business.

Kim - That's funny that Alison loved playing with Heather's hair, I've never thought about the different textures of your hair! I always wish that I had curly hair like yours :) I'm so glad that sign language has helped Ben pick things up quicker, that's definitely something we want to do!! Thanks for the encouragement on that one, Kim and Renee.

Lara - I'll for sure have to add that to my next list!! I'll tell them it's dangerous :) How's Victor????