Yay!! This is my 100th post. Hooray :) I just had to post this. Gus is:

Johnny Knoxville
Up for Anything
The kind of pet that can leap tall fences in a single bound (or not, but give it a shot anyhow), Gus is the original Jackass, Johnny Knoxville!
Going through the pain so you don't have to, Gus knows that he trots a fine line between funny and stupid, but he doesn't care—he's laughing about it all the way to the pet store. His over-the-top antics make you grimace with fear and you often find it hard to believe that he actually enjoys playing the class clown. But Gus laps it up and continues to defy the odds, despite your warnings and concerns. Other males in the pack tend to be a little jealous of Gus, but the females find him simply dreamy. A die-hard good ol' boy, Gus is more of a General Lee type than a Knight Rider, but give him enough time to think things through and he's sure to find a way to wreck both vehicles at the same time.

Johnny Knoxville
Up for Anything
The kind of pet that can leap tall fences in a single bound (or not, but give it a shot anyhow), Gus is the original Jackass, Johnny Knoxville!
Going through the pain so you don't have to, Gus knows that he trots a fine line between funny and stupid, but he doesn't care—he's laughing about it all the way to the pet store. His over-the-top antics make you grimace with fear and you often find it hard to believe that he actually enjoys playing the class clown. But Gus laps it up and continues to defy the odds, despite your warnings and concerns. Other males in the pack tend to be a little jealous of Gus, but the females find him simply dreamy. A die-hard good ol' boy, Gus is more of a General Lee type than a Knight Rider, but give him enough time to think things through and he's sure to find a way to wreck both vehicles at the same time.
So true. So true.
Great picture of Gus. Although I'm not sure his usual smile is there!!
Gus sure is a cutie. I'm a real sucker for dogs. I must be, as our dog Sid has eaten completely through 2 doors, torn up our carpet, chewed through a water pipe and flooded part of the basement, eaten through 2 walls, destroyed two pairs of eye glasses and repeatedly chewed up our door moulding and we still have him! And he continues to be treated like a prince! We really are crazy to still have him, but like Gus, he's soooo cute! Does Gus ever get into any trouble?
Such an accurate description of Gus Gus. Unfortunately we took the same test for Porter and didn't fare so well....it was completely off base - comparing her to madonna and saying that she is likely very thin and trim. Uh...I think they have the wrong dog. Oh well. It was a fun Sunday afternoon activity.
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