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Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy 8 Months To Us!!

Dave and I are so happy to have one more month behind us in this wait. Tonight we may celebrate by going to a movie. We'll see how his landscaping goes today.

I was adding up payroll last night to make it go quicker for processing tomorrow night, and discovered that Dave has worked 120 hours since May 16th. Yikes. Plus, lots of those hours won't get paid out to him since they are not billable to customers (darn it all). I just can't believe how hard he's been working. I'm so proud of him. I never imagined 6 years ago that Dave would be at all interested in gardening, much less starting up a company doing this!! It's incredibly hard work and a little scary owning our own company, but I love seeing Dave in his element. And he's so good at what he does.

He's extremely exhausted right now, but his birthday is coming up (the big 3-0!!!) and we are going to spend the day at Valleyfair (an amusement park kind of like Six Flags for those of you not from Minnesota). I'm so excited!! We've never been there together, so it's been more than 7 years since either of us have been there. We both love all of the rides there, and are excited to go on the new ones! I'm praying for good weather come June 9th!!!


Renee and Brian said...

Happy 8 month anniversary!!! How quickly the time passes when you're having fun! Our 8 month anniversary will be January 15th, 2009. Not so far off! How long are you thinking the wait will be? I was hoping that it doesn't exceed two years, do you think this is at all realistic? I can't wait until the day when I hear you have a referral. It's so exciting to have other people to experience this great journey with. It makes it so much more enjoyable!!

Nikki said...

I can't believe another month has passed. The last one went really fast...for me at least. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating 7. Yipee!

Becky said...

I have to say, I just love Valleyfair! My husband's company hosts an outing there every summer and I start to look forward to it in about, oh... December. =) ENJOY!!!

Rachel said...

Renee! I'm still so excited that you got your approval. I hope you are still feeling giddy from it :) I feel like the wait will be under 2 years. I don't know why, but I just have that feeling. I keep feeling like we are at the halfway point, which means we'd have a referral at 16 months - January 30 or so! That would be awesome :)

Renee and Brian said...

My fingers are crossed that your referral comes sooner rather than later. It's just so exciting that you never know when you will receive your referral. It's also frustrating but I will look on the bright side and call it exciting instead! Today I did tons of gardening and my fingers, arms, legs, and back are aching! But when I was all finished, I just sat on the patio and looked out enjoying the garden. That's the best part of all!!