Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Too friendly?

Gus got himself into trouble once again with his friendliness. Poor little puppy can't catch a break. Friday morning, I went outside to call for Gus at my parents' house. He never comes to the door, we have to call him in from playing, and sometimes he runs away from us and we have to drag him inside. But that morning he was sitting by the door waiting for us to open it for him to come in. I was surprised to see this, and more surprised when Gus slunk in with his tail between his legs. He limped a little as he walked over to Dave, and then we discovered he had manure all over his back. My parents' neighbors have a petting zoo, so we assumed that he either got knocked over by a goat or a donkey at their place, and didn't think much more of it.

I got home from work that afternoon and let Gus out of his cage. As he stood up he started yelping and whimpering, so I became concerned. We went outside and he didn't want to walk around much to take care of business. I laid him down on the grass to look over his body to see where he was hurting. He wasn't wincing at all while I was feeling around, and then I saw dried blood under his right armpit. He had a huge welt under his arm, along with some cuts.

When my parents came home and looked at the area they came up with a theory. Their theory is that Gus was being super duper friendly (per usual), and decided to try and make friends with the donkey. But donkeys hate dogs, so the donkey probably kicked Gus, and Gus hit a fence and landed on his armpit. Dave's theory is that Gus was trying to jump at the donkey and the donkey kicked him right in the armpit. I don't have a theory. All I know is that Gus limps on his left side, but it's his right arm that has the welt under it. He can't run right now at all. He is a hurting unit, especially after he has been laying in his cage for a few hours. He can make it down the stairs okay, but when he tries running up the stairs, he only makes it up 3 or 4 before yelping and crying. Then we carry him up the rest of the way. He's still eating/drinking/peeing/pooping, so I'm not super concerned.

You may remember from this post that Gus got attacked by a dog we'd known for a few years when he was just trying to sit near him. Gus seems to get into trouble for being too friendly. I'm hoping this teaches him to stray far from where we are. The nice part of this whole ordeal is that Gus can't move fast, in fact he hobbles like an old man right now, so he hasn't been able to run away from us when we call him. He's been very obedient while he's been hurt, which has been really nice! I definitely hope that lasts, although I miss seeing him race as fast as he can out to see Dave in the greenhouse when we let him outside at my parents' house. With the fast healing powers Gus has though, I am sure he'll be running around like the crazy Gus we all know and love in no time.


Anonymous said...

Aww, poor Gus!!! I hope he recovers quickly and that he learned his lesson about being too nice to donkeys. :[

Isaac said...

Oh No Gus!!! Poor little guy, just too cute and friendly. Hopefully he will completely recover physically but remember how he got hurt.

I've never met a happy donkey. They all seem to have a long face.

Get well soon Gus!

Renee and Brian said...

Well I think that Gus and Sid would be great buddies as yesterday Sid was chasing a little calf on our hike. He chased it all around the garden and all the big cows were going mad. I was thinking that at any moment Sid would get stomped to death. Will our dogs ever learn??? Hope that Gus is feeling better. Sid sends him get well wishes as he fully understands the pain that Gus is in!! Crazy dogs!