- Gus opened the Christmas present that I bought for Dave. He just started attacking the paper, and got it all opened. Dave was excited to experience an early Christmas. I videotaped it here.
- Gus has eaten the corner off of our coffee table, and still will chew on it sometimes with his molars (maybe he's still teething?). Nikki and my mom can attest to this.
- Gus has eaten 1/2 of the rugs in our entryways. We used to leave him out when we were gone, and we would come home to the rug yarn strewn all over the entryway.
- Gus looooooves to have something in his mouth when he is excited. When we get home and let him out of his kennel, he runs around frantically looking for anything that he can carry around in his mouth. Usually this is one of the pillows from our couch, or a sock, slipper, bra, underwear or some other item he has carried out of our closet. Because of this, we have found holes in many of these items. Drives me crazy. One day he carried my underwear out on the deck. My sister Carissa said, "I guess he just likes to air the family's dirty laundry". ha ha
-Gus really loves teddy bears, or any plush item like that. He carries it around in his mouth and loves when people tell him what a nice bear he has. He wags his whole body when we say that. But the animals don't stay whole for long. He rips a hole in it and proceeds to eat the stuffing out of it (yes, actually eat and swallow the white stuffing, unless we can catch him to pull it out of his mouth). Then he carries the limp outer layer around in his mouth for days. Weirdo.
- Gus steals Sammy's pacifier when he comes over to visit. He carries it around in his mouth just like he's sucking on it. But he spits it out as soon as we see him because he knows he's not supposed to have it.
- Gus has eaten 3 of my toothbrushes (He's tall enough to pull things off of the countertops, so now we have to keep everything in drawers). He seriously ATE them. We found bristles in his poo for the next couple of days after he did that. He has been found with my sisters' toothbrushes twice and was just about to chomp them down before we caught him.- Just this past Friday, Gus ate the cover off of my Bible when he was left in the car while I was visiting Dave at work (I guess he needed some Jesus in him). He also ate part of a small rubber mat that we have on our dashboard to keep things on so they won't slide off. He was still pooping pieces of that out yesterday (gross visual, I know, but the next one is even grosser)
- If we forget to put the lid down on the toilet, or forget to flush, Gus will EAT the toilet paper out of the toilet. UBER-GROSS... we know. We've learned our lesson after he came over to give us a lick and it smelled like toilet. That one makes me gag.
I'm sure my sisters & brother, mom & dad and Nikki could comment about other Gus stories, but those were the ones I could think of off the top of my head. The crazy thing is, even though his crazy antics make me cry sometimes, I still love him to bits and pieces! Our last dog, Marley, was a professional criminal who turned out to be a good dog. So I know it's all just a phase for Gus, and he'll be a really good dog after he's out of his puppy phase. I guess he's good preparation for kids :)
Rachel, I just loved your Gus stories. Especially the one about chewing the cover off your bible to "get some Jesus in him"! That reminded me that Sid chewed up my seatbelt and the passenger seatbelt in my new car. He chewed two thirds through my seatbelt before I caught him and I was only in the store for 5 minutes AND he was in the hatchback part of the car where there is a grill to keep him put. But somehow Sid managed to escape. I'm quite sure that Gus and Sid would get along quite well and create all sorts of havoc!! But aren't they so darn cute!
Rachel, I just completed the celebrity quiz on Sid and he turned out to be similar to Snoop Dogg, which can't be good! I couldn't figure out how to put the picture up on my blog. I'll have to keep working at it.
I can attest to the underwear thing - he grabbed mine just the other night. Crazy pup.
Renee - if you copy the HTML code from dogster, then when you are composing your post, click on the Edit HTML tab. Paste your code in there and it should show up in your blog. I can't wait to see what it says about Snoop Dogg Sid!!
Nik - that was hilarious the other night. Good thing only the chicas saw it :)
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