Friday, May 30, 2008
Happy 8 Months To Us!!
I was adding up payroll last night to make it go quicker for processing tomorrow night, and discovered that Dave has worked 120 hours since May 16th. Yikes. Plus, lots of those hours won't get paid out to him since they are not billable to customers (darn it all). I just can't believe how hard he's been working. I'm so proud of him. I never imagined 6 years ago that Dave would be at all interested in gardening, much less starting up a company doing this!! It's incredibly hard work and a little scary owning our own company, but I love seeing Dave in his element. And he's so good at what he does.
He's extremely exhausted right now, but his birthday is coming up (the big 3-0!!!) and we are going to spend the day at Valleyfair (an amusement park kind of like Six Flags for those of you not from Minnesota). I'm so excited!! We've never been there together, so it's been more than 7 years since either of us have been there. We both love all of the rides there, and are excited to go on the new ones! I'm praying for good weather come June 9th!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Gus update
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Grocery store encounters
Just an FYI. Any medical professional will tell you that this actually happens less than 10% of the time. This is the same percentage of people struggling with infertility who get pregnant if they continue on with fertility treatments. If it does happen for us, then we'll hip hip hooray with the rest of you, but this is another one of those "what not to say"s.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Congrats Aaron and Dana!!!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Grandpa and Grandma

We got a kids' table and chairs too, but couldn't bring it home as our truck was too full, but here is Jeremy sitting on one of the chairs
My great-aunt and uncle were missionaries in the Philippines and gave my grandparents this wooden fruit, the apricot table cloth and the windchimes
This was one of my favorite things at Grandpa and Grandma's house. Yep, it's a purple bull bobble-head with a rose in its mouth. Love it!!And here are some pictures from the day. We sure had a lot of fun, and relived lots of old memories. It's weird to think that we won't have any more family gatherings at their house, but I thank God we have memories that will last us a lifetime!!!

Zach was crazy excited about his new saw thingy. And my cousin Lucia is excited for her hubby to make something nice with it!
Here is the house
We always loved pretending this was a horse, so here are the cousins posing on "the horse" one last time
Some purty glasses that I tried on
Here are Carissa and I in the dresses my grandma wore for our Uncle Doyle's wedding (Carissa), and for our parents' wedding (me) - snazzy, I know
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Too friendly?
I got home from work that afternoon and let Gus out of his cage. As he stood up he started yelping and whimpering, so I became concerned. We went outside and he didn't want to walk around much to take care of business. I laid him down on the grass to look over his body to see where he was hurting. He wasn't wincing at all while I was feeling around, and then I saw dried blood under his right armpit. He had a huge welt under his arm, along with some cuts.
When my parents came home and looked at the area they came up with a theory. Their theory is that Gus was being super duper friendly (per usual), and decided to try and make friends with the donkey. But donkeys hate dogs, so the donkey probably kicked Gus, and Gus hit a fence and landed on his armpit. Dave's theory is that Gus was trying to jump at the donkey and the donkey kicked him right in the armpit. I don't have a theory. All I know is that Gus limps on his left side, but it's his right arm that has the welt under it. He can't run right now at all. He is a hurting unit, especially after he has been laying in his cage for a few hours. He can make it down the stairs okay, but when he tries running up the stairs, he only makes it up 3 or 4 before yelping and crying. Then we carry him up the rest of the way. He's still eating/drinking/peeing/pooping, so I'm not super concerned.
You may remember from this post that Gus got attacked by a dog we'd known for a few years when he was just trying to sit near him. Gus seems to get into trouble for being too friendly. I'm hoping this teaches him to stray far from where we are. The nice part of this whole ordeal is that Gus can't move fast, in fact he hobbles like an old man right now, so he hasn't been able to run away from us when we call him. He's been very obedient while he's been hurt, which has been really nice! I definitely hope that lasts, although I miss seeing him race as fast as he can out to see Dave in the greenhouse when we let him outside at my parents' house. With the fast healing powers Gus has though, I am sure he'll be running around like the crazy Gus we all know and love in no time.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
More funnies
Philippectus Rex
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cars are dumb
Then last night I went to start the car to move it over in the garage b/c it was crowding our white car, and bugging me. As I started turning the car on, it made a funny noise and wouldn't start. Our neighbor Bob (we live in a twinhome townhouse) kept poking his head in to say hello, I think he wanted to help me, but I just said, "Hey Bob!" and walked back in the house. I wanted Dave to get the first chance at fixing it :)
Dave got home, and Bob must have had his Dave-dar on, because he came over before Dave even got out of his truck. I had already checked the oil and had the hood up, so they went to work checking everything else. In the past few weeks, we had noticed some hesitation when shifting into 1st and 2nd gear, but it would go away once we got going down the road. Bob and Dave are predicting that we will need a new fuel pump or something like that. Bob was kind enough to call his brother-in-law to see if he'd come take a look at it after work tonight. We seriously have the most helpful neighbors (and the coolest ones who live across the road!!). Luckily this car is a stick shift, so if we need to tow it to the dealership, it will be easy enough with a tow rope, plus the dealership is only 1/2 mile away.
The frustrating part of this whole ordeal? We just spent $650 last Friday on our white car because it felt like the tires were about to come off of the car as we were curving right going 70 mph. The "fix" didn't totally work, as the car still feels a little wobbly. As you might remember from this post, we're already feeling quite a pinch money-wise. I'm not really sure what lesson God has to teach us through all of this. We've really been doing a better job of finding good deals (even on our home improvements), and the bills somehow are always paid. I guess God just wants to ensure that we HAVE to rely on Him for our needs.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
As I did a little self-assessment of my feelings, I realized I didn't feel jealous at all. Instead I felt happy for her, excited that it was one more name off of the list ahead of Dave and I, nervous for the day that I get the call, excited for the day that I get the call, and just good in general. I realized that this woman had only waited 11 months for her referral, and though she does have some distant Philippine heritage in her family (through her grandfather), which may have helped her referral go a little quicker, it just made me realize that Dave's and my day isn't really that far away! Even if we have to wait 9-18 more months for our referral, that is next February-November. The way that days fly by for us, it doesn't feel that far away!!
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. This wait has not been excruciating for me (not like the approval wait - now THAT was excruciating for me). Instead, I've been in a great mood most days. When I think of the wait (at least once per day), I'm amazed at how quickly it is going. People hear me reciting exactly how long we've been waiting (thanks to my little tracker at the top of the blog!), and I think they misinterpret that as an obsession and sadness about how long the wait is taking. They look at me with sympathy when I tell them how long it's been, and I have to say, "No!! It's not a bad thing! Dave and I are enjoying our time together". I keep waiting for the day that I fall into a panicked depression because we still haven't received our referral. God has been working wonders on my heart during this wait, which I feel is the number one best part about this wait.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Garage sale-ing and parties
Yesterday, my sister Carissa and I hit the city-wide garage sale in the town my parents and Carissa live in. I found some great kids' books at the first sale we went to, and we got 10 books for a quarter!! What a steal of a deal. Then later I found some squooshy balls for Gus, and some binders to organize my stuff a little better (and haggled on the price - woot). At the last sale we went to, I was walking around not really seeing anything I liked when suddenly a box fell onto my foot and stubbed my toe. I looked down and saw that it was a box that contained a practically brand-new Snugli. We had gotten some tips from a family who already went to the Philippines that it's not as practical to bring a stroller, we should bring some kind of carrier. I couldn't believe that I literally tripped over this!! I just had to chuckle at God, b/c I felt like he was saying, "Come on, Rach, use your eyes. You can save some money for the stuff you need if you just look!" Now I just need to find a little bigger one, just in case we get an older child and want a backpack-type carrier while we are there!
We got back to my parents' house, and I asked my sister how big Grace is. The carrier says it will hold up to 26 lbs, and Grace is about 26 pounds (she's a peanut). So we decided to try it out, and take some pics so you all could see for yourselves (please ignore my nastified hair)...
Later that evening, we went to a party that our friends, Jon and Suze had invited us to. We missed the Govenaires playing by about 5 minutes which bummed us out!! Otherwise we had tons of fun at the party, and of course I got some pictures too...
This is the truck that Suze's brother, Rick has been working on the the past year or so. Suze and I spent a lot of our evening swinging our legs off the back of it chatting and people-watching. It was so fun!
And this is the car that Suze's dad fixed up. It's so darn pretty! If you can believe it, he hauled a garden tiller in this car one day. That cracks me up :)
Here's Dave posing in back of the car so you can see just how tiny it is (and Jon looking cool next to the truck). We sat down in it, and I seriously felt like I was sitting on the ground!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Why the Philippines?
I figured I would write a post though explaining why I am so grateful that we are adopting from the Philippines. These are reasons that apply to Dave and I only. I admire the people who can adopt from countries like Russia, b/c you will see with my reasons below that I don't think I could do it. So without further ado, the reasons we are grateful we are adopting from the Philippines:
-We only have to travel there once to do the government-required paperwork and pick up the child. I think that I would completely breakdown if I had to go for one (or more) visit(s), and then leave the child there until the next trip. I was just reading a blog about a family in Haiti who is struggling with coming home from their first visit with their adopted children living in an orphanage there. My heart hurts for this mother who has already held her children, then had to leave them while the governments finish up all the necessary paperwork for their children to finally be home with them. Every time I read one of these blogs, I wonder how these strong women are able to do it. I don't think I could do it.
-We only need to stay in the Philippines for about 1 week to get everything done. Although we will probably want to stay there a lot longer, it's nice knowing that we don't have to stay there long before coming home to start our new lives together!
-We don't have to carry any cash with us, or bribe any officials to get things done the right way. In fact all of our money is handled for us through our agency, and all we have to worry about is spending money/hotel/travel money. I hear stories about people having to carry thousands of dollars with them on their adoption trips b/c the officials will only accept cash, and bribes. That would scare the bejeesums out of me.
-The Philippine government agency that handles the adoptions (ICAB) takes the referral process very seriously. They want to ensure that they are choosing the right family for each child. I feel that they have a high success rate in adoptions because of this. This is also one of the reasons that we haven't tried finding and adopting a waiting child. We have full faith that ICAB (and God) has the right child/ren in mind for us, and we can't wait to meet them!!
-The Philippines is WARM, hot even!! I love warm weather, and am really praying that our trip falls in February, March or April. Why not December or January you may ask? Well it's so that we can get a nice reprieve from that time in Minnesota when it's insanely cold, and you don't even have Christmas or the Super Bowl to look forward to.
-We hear that the people in the Philippines are more than nice. Everyone is accommodating and kind. I can't wait to meet people over there and just smile and smile (I like to smile).
-The people in the Philippines are BEAUTIFUL. Ramiele from Am.erican Idol is from the Philippines, and what a gorgeous girl she is, right? I can't wait to gaze into the beautiful brown eyes of my babies, brush their smooth black hair, and admire how beautifully different their skin is next to mine.
-The food is AWESOME. And I know we haven't even experienced the best of what we'll get to eat over there. I'm excited for real Chicken Adobo, Adobo Peanuts, Pancit, REAL fresh mangoes, and other new things that I can't try over here. When Dave and I travel our rule is that we can't eat anywhere that we could go to when we are back home. It should be lots of fun in the Philippines!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Keep 'em coming
And Nik, yes I read A LOT of blogs. My count in Google Reader is currently at 49 blogs. Dave thinks I have a slight addiction to blogs, but at least I'm not addicted to texting. My latest find is a man who writes a blog about his life. He's a man from MN who married his high school sweetheart, then they moved out to Cali to work for Dis.neyland and Ya.hoo. Eight weeks ago his wife gave birth to a baby. The next day, an undiscovered blood clot took her life when she stood up to move into a wheelchair to go hold her daughter for the first time. There was nothing the medical staff could do, and her husband was devastated. So now he is raising their baby (who was born 8 weeks early) on his own, along with the help of good friends, and he writes about it in a very beautiful, poetic way. The blog is called Matt, Liz and Madeline. Check it out, and say a prayer for Matt and Madeline, I can't even imagine how tough things are right now for him.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hee hee
Why can't you stand on a tree?
Because you CAN'T!!!
Why did the tree cross the bridge?
Because the bridge crossed the lake!!
Why can't you stand on a car?
Because the pole is on the pillow!
I'll admit, I'm a bit perplexed about the last joke. Madelyn asks Carissa after every one, "Mom, is that one a joke?" And Carissa answers, "Well I'm laughing, so I guess it must be!" Grace (her 2-year old sister) is suddenly talking to people that aren't really there. She'll turn her head away from (visible) people and say, "Huh?? What you say??" That also makes me laugh, so I guess it's Grace's idea of a joke.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
This year I am excited to celebrate the awesome women who are mothers in my life. And, as I discovered yesterday, at least two of the women in my life were excited to celebrate the fact that I am a mother (in my heart). My older sister called and wished me a Happy Mother's Day, which made me happy. My younger sister brought in a gift yesterday afternoon and announced that it was for me. Just that action alone was extremely touching, and made me so happy. I opened the card, and she pointed out that there was a poem on the inside of the card. I copied the poem at the end of this post. She told me that it had made her cry as she read it, and sure enough I started crying as I started reading through it. I love the part where it says that I would dig through the Earth to get to where they are. So true. The gift from her, Rich and her girls was Apples to Apples (the game), I'm so excited to play it!!
My dad mentioned that he was going to be doing a Mother's Day prayer at their church this year. He said that he wanted to include waiting mothers in his prayer, and asked if I had a good poem. I think he is going to read the poem that my sister gave me. I'm so glad that other women may feel a little better than they thought they would on Mother's Day by having someone acknowledge them as well, whether they are going through infertility or adoption.
I wanted this post to say an extra special Happy Mother's Day to my fellow waiting first time moms - Renee, Emilie, Joanne, Dana, Robin, and Jessica. Happy Mother's Day, ladies!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Before and After
Safety first!
Plus, Dave and I went to take pictures of some of his new spring pots today that he put together for one of his clients. I think they look beautiful!! Dave does such nice work...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
As famous as he'll ever get...
Young Lady #1: You know, there are a bunch of blind people staying in the hotel.
Young Lady #2: Yeah, well that explains why my TV had closed captions on it.
Lobby of the Four points SheratonOverheard by The boy your mom warned you about.
Yay! Rich is famous now too. The title of it is "Someone Should Tell The Blind They Can Read". I laughed so hard when I read this one, then when I found out Rich had submitted it I nearly bursted with pride. I don't think bursted is a word. Okay, I was bursting with pride.
Monday, May 5, 2008
On a roll...
Yes, you read that right. While we were in Home Depot we decided that we wanted to repaint the tall wall in our living room cocoa brown. Right now it's a very pretty maroon with gold leaves painted on it (thanks for doing this, Riss!!), but we were ready for some changes. Then we decided we needed new drapes for the deck door, and found a good deal at Home Depot. And THEN we decided we needed a seatbelt for Gus, since he rides with us to and from work every day. If we ever got into an accident, he would probably take off one of our heads, he's getting so big.
We got home and got to work right away. We've replaced a couple of other lights in our house by ourselves, so it wasn't as scary this time. Dave got everything pulled down and got the track for the lighting mounted. I decided we needed to test the lights to ensure they turned on, so we flipped the breaker and it worked on the first try. Yay!! So we got everything mounted. We work really well as a team, and it ended up only taking a couple of hours. It looked beautiful, and I was so happy to have it done. However, when I went to turn the lights off to go to bed they WOULDN'T turn off!!!!! Dave remembered there was an "extra" wire that he just capped off, so that must be where the issue is. It was too late to do anything about it last night, so we'll work on it tonight and maybe call in Neighbor Bob the Electrician for some assistance.
I didn't take any before pictures, but found one of the drapes that was supposed to be just a pic of Gus. Here are some pictures of the new additions (and a super cute Gus picture thrown in at the end as well):

Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Get that tail!!
Today Gus got groomed. I always think his puppy look shows up a lot more right after he's been groomed. He's such a cutie (although I want to kill him b/c he peed on our bed tonight). So the groomer trims his tail since it gets so bushy, and Gus does this everytime he gets groomed. Hilarious!!