Today was awful. I work from home 1-2 days per week, and while I'm in class for the next few weeks I'm doing this on Thursdays so that I can work, as well as study/write papers. It works well for me to do that, as I like the change of pace it provides. Well, today I didn't end up getting any of my work work done, just school work. And I'm currently saving up all of my vacation time to see my sister in July, so I can't take it as a vacation day either. I wouldn't have been so frustrated with that if the rest of the night hadn't happened...
The lecture wasn't bad. I'm beginning to like the prof more. However, here is what was frustrating. We started class tonight with the prof asking how everyone did with the homework assignments and studying for the test. Out of the 8 people in the class, at least 6 different people said that they didn't get all or any of the homework done for the week - just studying. I didn't even REALIZE this was an option, so I worked my TAIL off this week (and took an unpaid day off) to get the work done. I calculated that I worked on homework for at least 20 hours this week. So I pretty much did everything halfway in order to get it all done (I was going to write half-assed, but didn't. Now I did). I did badly (in my eyes) on the test tonight. In fact, I got the same 2 questions wrong that I had gotten wrong on the quiz last week!
The more frustrating part of this whole thing is that I'm the ONLY person in this class not taking the class as an education major. I'm taking the class as an elective. I just feel like I'm the only one who took it all seriously this week, and for what? The only good thing about me turning in my papers tonight is that the prof will grade them, comment on them, and send them back to me so I can re-write them. However, she said she would do that for anyone that turned in their papers before the last class. Blah.
I'm just frustrated tonight - with the class, my classmates, but mostly with myself. I know I'll get over it soon enough. I just had to vent. Dad, thanks for letting me cry on the phone tonight, even if sometimes you don't understand what I'm saying because I get the high cry-ey voice. In all of my previous business and management classes, I got straight As. For 2.5 years of going to evening school, I got As. As of tonight, I currently have a C average in this class. I'm learning to let go of perfection, and realize that a C will still get me my degree.
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My brother used to say "D's equal degrees" but then crown made a rule that you had to get a c average in any courses that are part of your major (not electives) and so now we have to say "C's equal degrees". Sorry your night was poopy. I am glad you said ass. I love you!
I'm sorry that you had such a crummy night/day/week with all of your class stuff.
Keep your head up. You will be proud of your self for sticking it out and getting it done through all of these challenges!
:) Love ya!
Just something funny to brighten your I was reading your blog, Daniel, my 7 year old said to me "MOM,...are you ordering the Magic School Bus???!" He was looking at the picture on the right of the Jeepney. I have been ordering a lot of books lately off Amazon so he thought that was what I was doing...ordering these books called The Magic Schoolbus. So funny!
I REMEMBER that coffee maker!! Hehehe!
I have to agree, your night was pretty crappy but just think, you are getting closer to being all done! Things can only get better, right???
Hi guys --
there is plenty of crappy around here too --- hoping it gets better for you soon and you go all the way and pull a C+ --- aim high!
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