I have always hated running. In school, on the days when we would have to run the mile for the fitness challenge I would try to fake sick (I faked sick a lot in school, but that is a whole different post). But the teacher would just make me run it on a different day - darn it all. The cut off was 12 minutes. You HAD to run the mile in under 12 minutes, otherwise you'd have to try again on a different day. Ugh. I have always had a hard time breathing when I run, and usually feel like I'm dying by the end of the mile. I would sometimes make it in somewhere in the 11-minute range, but usually I went over the 12 minutes and had to try over again a different day. It's not like I was totally out of shape, either. We would swim an entire mile all at once when I was on the swim team, and I even won a trophy for being one of the swimmers who did 8,000 yards one day (in a 3 hour practice). It was something with running.
Last summer I began running outside in hopes of running a 5k at some point. I ran for about 3-4 months, but my shins hurt almost constantly. I joined a fitness club in September, and have been faithful about working out there ever since. I changed my routine to work out on an elliptical and do weight-lifting, and did not experience anymore pain in my shins.
Last week I decided that I wanted to try again to run a 5k this year. I set my sights on one in September - Nickle Dickel Days in Waconia. On July4th, there is a 5k walk in my hometown that I will do with my mom to get a feel for how long the 5k route is, and what a race route looks like. So I started running again last week, and I'm going to use the blog to write down exactly what I'm doing for training.
Thursday - Got Yoga Booty* Ballet DVD from Nik. Did the entire beginner session and thought my legs were going to fall off when I went down the stairs later that night.
Friday - (Treadmill) Warmed up with a 5 minute walk. Ran 1 mile in 12 minutes. Walked 8 minutes at a brisk pace, with alternating inclines. Cool down walk for 5 minutes. Did the leg circuit at the gym. It felt soooo good!
Saturday - No running, but did YBB again, which kicked my patootie (again).
Sunday - (Treadmill) Warmed up with a 5 minute walk. Ran a total of 1 mile, but alternated running at a 10-minute mile pace for 2.5 minutes, then walking for 1 minute. Walked 6 minutes at a brisk pace, with alternating inclines. Cool down walk for 5 minutes. Worked the arm circuit at the gym.
Monday - (Treadmill) Warmed up with a 5 minute walk. Ran for 5 minutes at a 10-minute mile pace. Then alernated walking and running the 10-minute mile pace at 2.5 minutes each. Brisk walk on alternating inclines for 8 minutes. Cool down walk for 5 minutes. Did the leg circuit at the gym. I was wheezing by the last running set - the 10-minute mile is so hard for me! My goal is to be able to run a 10-minute mile (all at once) by June 15th. Okay, maybe June 30th.
I'm feeling pain in my shins today. Darn it all. I don't know what to do about that. Last year I tried icing my shins after my runs, but it never seemed to make much of a difference. Do I work through the pain? Or rest on it for a while? Today is one of my rest days, so I'll just walk tonight anyway.
In track in highschool (the one time I participated) they said to prevent/cure shin splints (sp?) you should go into a deep lunge and then lift your toes as far to the cieling as you can, while leaving your heel on the ground, hold, and repeat...it's supposed to work, and seemed to help back then...
oh my gosh, too funny Rachel!! I HATE running. In school I always wanted to be sick on "run the mile" day. I could not even do it in 15 min. I had to redo like 2 times. To this day I am traumatized by it :) Love you
Cherice - thanks for the tip!! I tried it tonight, and so far no shin splints!! I'll try it again tomorrow night and see what happens.
Nicole - You are right!! It was 15 minutes that we had to run it in!!! Did you have Field Day at your school? I hated that day. It was all about running or climbing ropes. Both are things I am awful at.
I love to run now but when I started 11 years ago, it was totally awful. I used to get shin splints as well and I felt like I was going to die after running just 5 minutes! I stuck with it and I now absolutely love it. It's such a great way to relax, especially when you're stressed out about something. Stick with it and you'll do great! I'm sure you'll really enjoy your race in September.
I love to run now but when I started 11 years ago, it was totally awful. I used to get shin splints as well and I felt like I was going to die after running just 5 minutes! I stuck with it and I now absolutely love it. It's such a great way to relax, especially when you're stressed out about something. Stick with it and you'll do great! I'm sure you'll really enjoy your race in September.
You are too funny! I am a high school Physical Education teacher (taking some time off to stay home with our kids) and I know that excuse of feeling sick when the mile run comes about all too much. Yes, I think I have heard them all...feeling sick, on their period and cramping, think they may be pregnant, have asthma, hurt their ankle last night at the church youth group meeting, and the list goes on and on. I am not sure what it is about high school girls and the mile run. :)
Kuddos to you for gearing up for a 5k run. You should think about possibly doing a mini triathalon. You had mentioned that you liked swimming and a mini triatholon usually includes 400 M swim.
For shin splints, I always freeze water in little dixie cups and peel the upper layer and use the cup as an ice massage along my shins. As the ice melts you can keep pulling paper away from the cup. This might help, although their really isn't much you can do but limit the physical activity...which may be a great excuse to use if you ever want to get out of your running. Ha!
The more I run the more I'm liking it, so thanks for the encouragement Jenny and Renee!
I used to ice my shins and feet like that during swimming, I had forgotten about that! I would get really bad cramps, and that's what they recommended.
I would LOVE to try a triathlon, so I'll have to keep my eyes open for one!
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